Embodiment of Community

I value Input. 
I am a Learner.
I am an Achiever.
I value Intellection.
I am a Relator.

I am a Dancer who Writes and a Writer who Dances. 

The art forms of writing and dance are intertwined. Dancing is where athleticism and artistry meet. 
Writing reveals the untold story within. Both forms live in the past, the now, and the future. 

Join me on my MFA in Choreography journey as I explore the contrasting elements of lightness and darkness, community and the individual, and how these elements apply to the study of 4-E Cognition. How do we embody, embed, extend, and enact through Research-based practice? My explorations have led me to qualitative results about the power of community and how movement has linked us, even prior to the earliest recorded movement artifacts. 

Allow yourself to let go, to get lost, to embody the environment and extend the movement and yourself to those around you. "Getting lost is about the unfamiliar appearing" (Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost 22). You only must have the courage to maneuver outside of your comfort zone.

Allow the work to embody you. 
Through physical touch, we break down barriers. 
Allow vulnerability and find safe spaces.
This offers freedom from the past restrictions you have permitted.

“Hand of Rodin Holding a Torso” by Auguste Rodin
"I can be embraced by the very core of who I am, quite still." ~Eva Karczag

My interest lies in the triadic and breaking the fourth wall, so as to allow the audience more than a window into the performer's and creator's worlds. I wish to connect in such a way that the experience is tangible, tactile on all levels, engaging each of the five senses. I teach not only to educate but also to help others achieve whatever they set their minds to, whether a passion for movement, words, or some other entity. 

Alex Grey quotes, incorporated in my study:

“The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness.”

A relationship succeeds when obstacles are met with communication and resolution. A relationship flourishes when we take the beloved as our teacher. Shared goals create a transformative, interwoven path.

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